PURCHASER shall provide 4 Roundtrip Tickets (Direct Flights Only) 2 Business 2 Coach. Delta Airlines Only. In the event there are no direct flights in Delta see Management about Alternate airlines.
Ground Transportation:
PURCHASER shall furnish ONE LUXURY BLACK CAR (1 Large SUV 2021 or Newer) LICENSED CHAUFFEUR FROM A REPUTABLE LIMOUSINE COMPANY (vehicle must be able to fit four (4) persons). Artist management must be able to verify transportation information DIRECTLY WITH THE LIMOUSINE COMPANY. Upon Purchase of vehicle, PURCHASER must supply confirmation that vehicle is insured. Must supply a copy of the insurance to ARTIST MANAGEMENT. Vehicles shall be provided with an accessible parking space at venue. AT NO TIME SHALL ARTIST BE WITHOUT GROUND TRANSPORTATION OR A DRIVER. An additional One Hundred ($100.00) dollars must be given to Artist’s Management upon his arrival into city to guarantee transportation to airport on the day of departure. If Limousine Company shows up to take group to airport then One Hundred ($100.00) dollars will be returned to Purchaser immediately.
NOTE: NO ONE is to be with driver in Artist vehicles. Vehicles are for the sole use of the Artist, Artist staff and guest of Artist.
Hotel Accommodations:
PURCHASER shall provide Artist and Staff with the following hotel accommodations:
Hotel must not be less than a FOUR STAR hotel. All rooms must be checked in before Artist arrives. Keys are to be handed to Management at the Airport or in front of hotel. At no time should an Artist or Management have to go to the front desk.
Dressing Room:
PURCHASER shall provide Artist and Staff (at no cost to Artist) with ONE (1) clean, large, comfortable dressing room with lockable doors for the sole use of Artist and Staff. Each room must be large enough to accommodate eight (8) people. Dressing rooms should be separate from the general public, well lighted, heated, or air-conditioned whichever the weather dictates and have bathroom facilities within dressing room or in close proximity. Dressing room is for the exclusive use of Artist and Artist’s Staff only. This room should not be entered at anytime, without he permission of the Artist or Artist’s Management. DRESSING ROOMS SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST THREE (3) DOZEN CLEAN HAND TOWELS.
Refreshments & Meals:
PURCHASER shall provide Artist and Artist’s Staff only with the following meals and refreshments, which are at no cost to Artist or Staff. (NOTE: all refreshments MUST be at hotel and dressing room before artist arrival.)
1 Bottle 750ml of HENNESSY PRIVILEGE
1 Bottle 750ml of TITO’S
2 (64 ounces) bottles of CRANBERRY & PINEAPPLE JUICE
12 Bottles of ALKALINE or SPRING WATER. (Send half to the hotel before the show and the other half in the dressing room.)
PESCETARIAN AND/ OR VEGETARIAN FOOD (NO SHRIMP) (NO HOME COOKED MEALS, food should be from a restaurant or Purchaser may do a $150 Food Buyout ONLY. per person.)
ALL necessary utensils, cups, ice & napkins
Technical Provisions:
PURCHASER shall provide PROFESSIONAL sound & lighting to include the following, at NO COST to Artist:
A. Two (2) cordless mics
B. Four (4) stage monitors
C. D. Sure 900 wireless IEM systems for Inner Earn Connections
PURCHASER shall provide sufficient security that is comparable to the capacity of the Venue. There must be at least six (6) security persons to secure stage area. Purchaser shall be responsible for any theft or damage to equipment of Artist that may occur during the time of the event that the equipment is located on Purchaser’s hired premises. Two (2) security should be provided specifically for CREW at Venue.
NO performance shall be recorded, video taped, reproduced, transmitted in or from the place of engagement in any other manner or by any means whatsoever in the absence of a specified written agreement with Artist’s Management. NO PHOTOGRAPHERS OR CAMERAS are allowed to photograph any portion of the performance.
Complimentary Tickets:
PURCHASER shall provide Artist with fifteen (15) free tickets OR where there are no tickets, ten (10) entries on the guest list.
ARTIST shall have the option to sell albums, tapes, CD’s, DVD’s, videotapes, and any other merchandising material at the performance and shall retain all proceeds of such sales.
Purchaser shall place the correct performance information in all radio, TV, and print advertisement. If Artist is booked to host an event, Purchaser CANNOT advertise that Artist is performing.
50% Due upon completion of fully executed Agreement. The Balance due 48hrs before Artist arrives in Host city or you must fly Management in the 24hrs earlier to secure backend. No Exceptions.
Artist will not do any drops until day of Event unless 100% of Funds are received. Any promo material will be posted on Artist Website but anything on Artist social media will be done at Artist discretion.